You Are Enough!

For some people, the holidays are an amazing time for eating indulgent food and spending time with loving family. For other people, the holidays are hard.

Maybe you ended them feeling bad about yourself.

Quick reminder: you are enough.

As we start the countdown to the new year, a lot of you are making resolutions.

How will you be thinner, more productive, more of what all the ads tell you that you need to be?

You are enough.

You can choose, at any moment in time, to improve yourself. You don’t have to do it just because the Earth has made yet another trip around the sun.

You don’t have to do it because everyone else is doing it. You don’t have to do it for the people who focus on your imperfections instead of all the amazing things about you. And you certainly don’t have to do it just because our society is trying to suck money out of you for gym memberships, weight loss plans, hair-removal packages, or whatnot.

You Are Enough!

So get out there and make 2019 the best you can. I believe in you.