The Beta Team


Before I publish a book, I typically send it to a handful of beta readers on my Beta Team. Those beta readers read the book before anyone else, and they provide guided feedback to help me make final changes before the book goes off to the editor and then to publication. Beta readers are readers. You don’t have to have any editing or writing experience to be a beta reader. You just have to love reading the types of books I write.

If you’re on my Beta Team, you don’t have to volunteer for every book (or any book). When a book is almost ready for beta reading, I’ll send out an email to my Beta Team to see who is available and willing and, if the book is part of a series, who has read the other books up to that point in the series.

Pros of beta reading:

  • You get to read the book first.
  • You provide a meaningful contribution to finalizing the book.
  • You get a shout-out in the Acknowledgments section inside the book when it’s published.
  • You get a free ebook copy of the final version of the book later, after it’s complete.

Cons of beta reading:

  • When you receive the book for beta reading, it will not yet have been edited and will probably include some typos.
  • The copy you beta read is not the final version, and frankly, the final version will probably be better.

Joining my Beta Team does not commit you to reading any books. Rather, joining the team subscribes you to my emails about beta reading. These emails will be limited to announcements of opportunities as well as follow-ups if you’ve committed to beta read a particular book.

You can leave the Beta Team at any time, either by shooting me an email or by clicking the “receive fewer emails” link at the bottom of any of my Beta Team emails and then opting out of the team.


After you submit the below form to sign up for the Beta Team, that’s it. You will not receive an email confirmation, but I will be in touch when I have a new manuscript available for reading.


Signing up for the Beta Team does not automatically subscribe you to my newsletter. However, I recommend subscribing, at least so you’ll be up to date on my writing progress and will thus know what is soon to be ready for beta reading. Plus, as a newsletter subscriber, you’ll received a welcome sequence of emails (from which you can opt out if you like) and at least one free story.


If you have any questions about the Beta Team, feel free to contact me.