The ARC Team


ARC stands for “advance reading copy” or “advance review copy.” Members of my ARC Team can receive free copies of completed books and are asked to post reviews around release dates.

After beta reading and edits, I send a book out to my ARC team. This may be the final, finished book, or it may still require minor proofreading. If you volunteer to read an ARC and if you’re selected to do so, you’ll receive the book, and I’ll provide you with links of where you can post reviews.

Pros of ARC reading:

  • You get to read the finished book first.
  • Your reviews help other readers decide whether my book is for them.

Cons of ARC reading:

  • I’ll track whether your reviews are posted. If that makes you uncomfortable, then the ARC Team is not for you.
  • Your feedback is for readers, not for me in particular, so your reviews do not go toward possible changes to the book itself.

Joining my ARC Team does not commit you to reading any books. Rather, joining the team subscribes you to my emails about ARC reading. These emails will be limited to announcements of opportunities as well as follow-ups if you’ve been selected to ARC read a particular book.

You can leave the ARC Team at any time, either by shooting me an email or by clicking the “receive fewer emails” link at the bottom of any of my ARC Team emails and then opting out of the team.


After you submit the below form to sign up for the ARC Team, that’s it. You will not receive an email confirmation, but I will be in touch when I have a new manuscript available for reading.


Signing up for the ARC Team does not automatically subscribe you to my newsletter. However, I recommend subscribing, at least so you’ll be up to date on my writing progress and will thus know what is soon to be ready for beta reading. Plus, as a newsletter subscriber, you’ll received a welcome sequence of emails (from which you can opt out if you like) and at least one free story.


If you have any questions about the ARC Team, feel free to contact me.